Terms & Conditions

This page is provided as a courtesy. It is a non legally binding translation of the German T&C (aka AGB)

Subject Matter of the Contract

The subject matter of the contract comprises individual and group sessions for dogs with or without their owner. Before the contract commences, the participant has the opportunity to thoroughly inform themselves about the terms and conditions of Love ∙ Train ∙ Enjoy. The contract is concluded between Udo Neßhöver (hereinafter referred to as the Trainer) and the attending dog owner. This constitutes a service contract in which current knowledge about dogs is conveyed.
A guarantee of success cannot be provided as success significantly depends on the participant’s cooperation and implementation. The trainer imparts the current state of knowledge in dog training to the best of their knowledge and belief. There is no guarantee for the accuracy of the knowledge.

Exclusion from Participation

Acutely ill or contagious dogs are excluded from participation. Female dogs in heat may participate after consultation.
If a participant intentionally disrupts the class or other course participants, acts intentionally against the trainer’s instructions, or influences the dog in a way contradicting the trainer’s principles or the animal welfare laws, the trainer is entitled to permanently exclude the participant from the training.


Registration can be done via phone (call or WhatsApp) or email.

Participant Withdrawal

Before the sessions commence, the participant can withdraw from the contract at any time. This must be done in writing.
A cancellation or rescheduling of training sessions at the agreed-upon time must be made by the participant at least 24 hours in advance. If this is not done or done later, the full training fee will be charged and not refunded.
A cancellation or rescheduling of group sessions at the agreed-upon time must be done at least 2 weeks in advance. If this is not done or done later, the session(s) will be charged in full and not refunded.

Trainer Withdrawal

The trainer reserves the right to terminate the training for a significant reason. The tuition fee will be refunded proportionally in this case.
The trainer reserves the right to cancel training sessions in urgent cases or change the location. Training sessions canceled by the trainer will be rescheduled. Participants will be promptly informed about cancellations or changes in location.

Payment Conditions

Upon completion of the training agreement, the participant is obliged to pay the full training fee. This applies even if the training is not utilized without justification or is terminated prematurely. Payment can be made in cash or via PayPal to the designated account. For travels exceeding 10km from the trainer’s place of residence, a travel allowance of 0.40 Euro per kilometer for the round trip will be charged.


Participation is at the participant’s own responsibility and risk. The participant is liable for damages caused by their own dog. The trainer is not liable for bodily, material, or any other damages suffered by a participant caused by another participant.
The trainer does not assume liability for damages caused by third parties or their dogs.
Participation in the trainer’s various activities is exclusively at the participant’s own risk.


Photo and audio recordings of participants or third parties during the training are not permitted. Exceptions can only be granted upon written request by the trainer.
The trainer reserves the right to record photo and audio for training purposes. The publication of these recordings for self-promotion or for unrestricted use for the trainer’s educational purposes requires written permission from the participant.


All training plans, anamnesis sheets, and similar teaching materials created by the trainer are protected by copyright. Reproduction, distribution, or publication is expressly prohibited. The materials may only be used for the intended private purposes.

Contract Language

The contract language is German, the language of instruction is German and/or English.

Severability Clause

Should individual provisions/clauses of the terms and conditions be ineffective, this does not render the entire contract invalid. The ineffective provision shall be replaced by an effective one that comes as close as possible to the inef